Scantron Test Scanning
There are two types of test scanning services housed in Library. One is a self service model that people can run on their own for the smaller green scantron sheets and the other system runs the larger blue scantron sheets and creates a digital report for the faculty member (this is not a self-service unit). More details about the test scanning locations in the Library can be found in our online knowledgebase.
Note: The scantron forms are no longer provided by SGA in the Library for free. Please, check with the TCU Bookstore if you need to purchase scranton forms for class.
Self-Service Unit (smaller green scantrons)
- Location – Library Second Floor – East Side of the building to the right of the circulation desk.
- Self-Service means that the scanning is done by you or someone that you have sent over to complete this task.
Bear Test Scanner (larger blue scantrons)
- Location – Library First Floor at the IT Support FrogPad – East Side of the building behind the stairs.
- This is a drop-off model where we will have to preform the scanning for you. See the details below on our process.
Dropping Off Tests For The Larger Blue Scantrons
Form Requirement:
Please provide a cover sheet and a key for each group of scantrons/individual class.
Download the PDF form here: Test Scanning Cover Sheet
Warning: Please, be advised that students must bubble in their name. Names not bubbled-in will result in blank names in the output of the scantron report. If multiple students fail to bubble in their names, the report will combine results as one student. The analysis program will not calculate multiple answer questions and we will NOT modify these on your behalf. Make sure to check this before asking for your tests to be scanned.
Process and Policy:
To insure integrity of the scanning process we are implementing some new processes:
- Information Technology will not swap keys among exams or bubble-in any blank fields (even if instructed to do so).
- Tests will NOT be accepted outside the drop-off hours listed below.
- Test will be mailed back to the teacher of record via interdepartmental mail.
- Test results will be emailed directly to the teacher of record.
- We will NOT provide a printed copy of the report.
- Same day scans will NOT take place unless you make an arrangement with the IT Support HelpDesk at least one week in advance. Email to make the request.
Drop-off Location and Turnaround Time
We have changed our location for test drop-off. All tests can be dropped off in the Library at the IT Support FrogPad (1st Floor East Entrance).
Turnaround time for test scanning is 2 business days (defined as M-F on days that the University is open).
Note: Finals week can be extremely busy for test scanning so please make sure to turn your tests in as soon as possible.
Drop-off Hours
Drop-off hours will be 8:30am-5pm on Monday thru Friday. Once the scanning is complete, we will send the tests back via interdepartmental mail and email the report to the professor.
Who will be doing the scanning?
Your tests will be scanned by a team of full-time staff and graduate students who now manage this service. Once your tests are dropped off at the FrogPad then they are secured in our Call Center and scanned during the hours listed above. Email if you have additional questions.