About High-Performance Computing

The Texas Christian University Advance Computing Center (TCUACC) provides an environment for high-performance computing ideal for small jobs that require a bit more power than your department may have readily available.  The TCU primary cluster can be used for batch or MPI workloads.

Requesting Additional Software

If there is a software package that you need for a research project please submit a Self-Service ticket with a specific package and version.  If it can be added nondestructively then once it is approved it will be rolled out on the next maintenance cycle.  If it has conflicts with existing packages then a decision will be made by the HPC committee.

How do I put in a request for HPC Access?

New Accounts

New user request will be reviewed and approved based on the academic merit of usage to ensure that it aligns with TCU strategic mission and increasing our Research footprint. Please allow the HPC committee 3-5 business days to review your access request.

All other HPC requests should start with the IT Support HelpDesk.  You can create a submit a Self-Service ticket or call/chat with us during normal business hours

Getting Started

TCU employees that have been granted access should familiarize themselves with the following document. Please, watch the videos below if you would like to learn more about using the cluster.

Connecting to the Cluster

Running a Gaussian 16 Calculation

Computing Molecular Electrostatic Potentials

Using Python 3 and PySCF
