Qualtrics – TCU Surveys

Quick Overview
Learn About Qualtrics
What is Qualtrics?
Qualtrics is a web based application that allows you to build, distribute, and conduct survey research without any previous experience. Qualtrics provides tools that can gather feedback, generate reports, and help you in analyzing responses from your surveys.
Which operating systems are supported?
All mobile and desktop operating systems that have a web accessible browser. (Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, Apple).
Which browser should I use?
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome are all supported.
Branded Themes
The default TCU Qualtrics theme is the “TCU Static Default” theme shown below.

We also have a TCU Dynamic Theme that comes with a few additional options. This dynamic theme adapts to fit displays on both mobile and desktop platforms. Qualtrics themes can also be modified within the Look & Feel Editor.

Account Access
Who has access to a TCU Qualtrics account?
Current TCU Faculty, Staff, and Students (Associates will need to request access) have access to the tool.
How do I login to my Qualtrics account?
- Visit https://qualtrics.tcu.edu and enter your TCU logon credentials.
- Visit https://it.tcu.edu/qualtrics and click on the “Login to Qualtrics” button and enter your TCU logon credentials.
- Visit https://tcu.qualtrics.com and enter your TCU logon credentials.
Faculty/Staff Collaborating With Students
Frequently, faculty or staff members will want to have a student employee or graduate assistant set up a survey in Qualtrics for them. If you need long-term access to the data from that survey (e.g. a feedback survey for an annual event or a major research survey), we recommend that you first create the survey in your own account, and then give the student shared access to edit that survey. This way, you will retain control over the survey and the data after the student graduates.
Qualtrics Training
Getting Started with Qualtrics Surveys:
Additional Training:
Qualtrics Beginner Tutorial Video:
Qualtrics Advanced Tutorial Video:
Acceptable Use Polices
As per the policies listed below, Qualtrics users agree the platform is to be used solely for authorized academic, administrative purposes, and/or incidental, non-commercial personal use and agree to assume responsibility for any unauthorized use, misuse or illegal use of this computing resource.