O365 is Coming Soon
Students, this summer the Information Technology division will be transitioning all student email accounts (contacts and calendars included) over to an online cloud service called Office 365 (O365).
We are excited about this change since it brings some amazing enhancements that we know you will enjoy. Please, take a few seconds to read the information below and see if you would like to volunteer to be one of the first students to get access to this new tool.
Can I volunteer to be in the first group?
Yes, we are looking for 500 bleeding edge students to volunteer to go in the first two rounds (Mid/Late May). You will get access to these new features weeks before your friends and all we ask is that you provide us with feedback on how things went. Sign up by clicking the button below:
What are some of the new features?
- Available as soon as you are moved:
- Increased Mailbox Size – Now up to 50GB*
*Storage space subject to change - Keep your TCU email for the life of the service.
- Increased Mailbox Size – Now up to 50GB*
- Coming after all students are moved (late summer):
- OneDrive – 1TB of online storage
- Office Online – A web version of Office
- Ability to download and install Microsoft Office on up to 5 of your personal computers
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the IT Support HelpDesk for assistance.