Archived Email Stored on HomeFile
Faculty/Staff, we hope that you enjoyed your holiday break and want to reach out to those storing archived email on their Homefile share (also called the M: drive or personal share). If you store archived email on these shares, please review the following information.
What happened?
Before the Thanksgiving break one of our Homefile servers had a system failure. While the system was restored and back in service shortly after the event, we had several reports of people having trouble with their archived email (or Personal Folder) stored on these shares. Since this event hit just a single part of the Homefile system it will only affect a limited number of individuals on campus.
What do I need to do?
We are encouraging all users who store archived email on the Homefile system to check to make sure that everything is there and to report problems to the HelpDesk immediately. We have extended the 30 day backup window on this system to January 13th, 2013 in order to give people more time to report problems with their archived email. It is very important that you report any issues before that date.