COVID-19 – IT Repsonse
The Information Technology division has put together several pieces of information to help faculty/staff as they work through the COVID-19 situation. These resources range from newly available technology to information about live webinars and support. Please, review the information below and share with your organizations.
1. Keep Working Campaign
As many of you gear up to work in different environments, we have a site that helps provide guidance on how to prepare to work remotely. Visit to learn more about this campaign.
2. Zoom Pro Site License
We understand that giving you tools to help with video and audio conferencing will be key to your success in the next few weeks. As such, the Information Technology division has purchased a site license for Zoom Pro through August of 2020. Visit to learn more.
3. This Week We Are Doing Live Online Training
We are providing multiple live webinars next week for zoom, working remotely and Click on the links below to sign-up now.
4. Getting Access to a Computer
Take Your Desktop/Laptop Home – You are welcome to take your desktop/laptop computer home during this time if needed. Check out our instructional video about how to pack up a desktop computer and put it back together again.
Personal Devices – Keep in mind that your personal computers and mobile devices can access a number of TCU resources that allow you to continue work from both on and off campus. Make sure to review the keep working site to learn more about your options.
5. Getting Technical Help
The IT Support HelpDesk and Instructional Support teams will be available this week to assist with your technical needs. Keep in mind that we will try to do work remotely as we are experiencing a high volume of calls at this time.
6. TCU Online: Ramping Up Rapidly
Don’t forget that the Koehler Center has built a TCU Online: Ramping Up Rapidly webpage to assist faculty members in increasing their use of TCU Online resources. Check out their events page to learn more about training opportunities.